15 Famous Quotes by Adriana Trigiani that Will Inspire You

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Adriana Trigiani is one of the most loved, influential, and celebrated writers of the 21st century. As someone who has entertained the readers for over 20 years, it almost feels like she has done it all.

Not only has she developed books in fiction as well as non-fiction, but she has also written screenplays and been a part of numerous famous movies and TV shows. Needless to say, she has been immortalized through her artistic creations.

Among the many reasons why her fans and readers, in general, seem to be besotted by her, one of them has to be the words she pens down like magic.

Whether it’s historical fiction, literary fiction, women’s fiction, or romance novels, her words touch you and stir something within you. They hold on tight to your heart and echo in your soul long after you’re done turning the pages.

The words written by this very skillful author inspire you, motivate you, and fill you with a sense of purpose. In this article, we will be taking a look at the Adriana Trigiani quotes that truly serve as words to remember and live by.

Inspirational Quotes by Adriana Trigiani

We, as readers, crave stories that encourage us to do better and be better in some way or another. Trigiani ensures to deliver competently in this department.

Here are some of the quotes from Adriana Trigiani’s words that are guaranteed to inspire you:

“That’s when you know for sure somebody loves you. They figure out what you need and they give it to you — without you asking.”

Adriana Trigiani (Very Valentine)
Inspirational Quotes by Adriana Trigiani

Trigiani is a big believer in love, and this quote is a testament to that belief.

When a person genuinely loves someone, their affection and warmth towards them are unconditional. It doesn’t come with any terms or conditions. Instead, true love allows you to be selfless towards the other person no matter what.

If a bond is healthy and wholesome, then you won’t find yourself constantly having to ask the other person for attention, warmth, respect, and compassion. They will accept you just the way you are and love you with all your quirks, qualities, and eccentricities.

“I like it when my mother smiles. And I especially like it when I make her smile.”

Adriana Trigiani (Viola in Reel Life)
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Any quote about mothers is enough to well up our eyes with tears, and this one, in particular, inspires you to do everything in your power to make your mother happy and see her smile.

Mothers build the foundation of our lives. They make innumerable sacrifices just for our betterment. As kids, it’s our duty to try to thank them for all the unconditional and selfless love by making them proud since it’s impossible to repay them.

While seeing your mother’s smile is great in itself, it becomes even more special when you’re the reason behind it.

“We hang out, we help one another, we tell one another our worst fears and biggest secrets, and then just like real sisters, we listen and don’t judge.”

Adriana Trigiani (Viola in Reel Life)
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Female friends are the best things a woman can be blessed with, and this quote reminds us of the gratitude we should have if we have friends who are more like family. When you have such buddies around, you can be your real self with them without worrying about hiding anything.

Female friends share their deepest, darkest secrets with one another, knowing that they won’t be judged and instead will have a shoulder to lean on.

“Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.”

Adriana Trigiani (Big Stone Gap)
Inspirational Quotes by Adriana Trigiani 3

We spend so much of our lives stressing over trivial issues and problems. More often than not, we make up fictional scenarios in our heads that we shouldn’t even be spending a second worrying over.

Through this quote, Trigiani reminds us that life is meant to be lived, and we shouldn’t spend the precious years of our existence worrying about the problems that happened in the past or even the ones that we could encounter in the future.

“I don’t settle in any other area of my life when it comes to excellence, so why should I lower my standards when it comes to boys?”

Adriana Trigiani (Viola in Reel Life)
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Women are constantly told to adjust and compromise. However, when you’re a capable woman who knows her worth, you shouldn’t have to stand behind and be silent about your expectations, especially when it comes to men.

The feminism in Trigiani shines brightly through this quote. It teaches women of all ages to never lower their standards or accept mediocre men regardless of what the society tries to teach them. After all, there’s nothing more attractive than a woman who is aware of her competence.

“Isn’t this the truth of any good mother? That in all of our lives. We worry only about those we brought into this world, regardless of whether they loved us back or treated us fairly or understood our shortcomings.”

Adriana Trigiani (Big Cherry Holler)
Inspirational Quotes by Adriana Trigiani 5

Motherhood and the bond between mother and children are themes that Trigiani often explores in her books. She is very acutely aware of the sacrifices every mother makes for the happiness of her children, and the writer always acknowledges it.

No matter how a child treats their mother, a mother can never desert her child. Her kids could live in the same house or perhaps continents away, but a mother continues to worry over them and pray for their health and prosperity.

“This should tell you everything you need to know about guys. They only go after what they know they can get. We girls, on the other hand, aim really high. We take a leap.”

Adriana Trigiani (Viola in Reel Life)
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Ambition is an element that is perceived very differently by men and women. While some say that men are more ambitious and goal-oriented, the truth is actually far from it.

In fact, when it comes to goals and dreams, women think of the future and are much more progressive in their thoughts. They know where their skills and competencies lie, and they aim to accomplish it all and more using their talents and the resources available to them.

“All the things I thought I was – simple and plain and sometime funny – are very small words. They do not begin to describe me. They do not begin to express what is inside of me. I have value, and I have worth. I cannot be replaced like old shoes or taken for granted like tap water.”

Adriana Trigiani (Big Cherry Holler)
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A person’s value is first and foremost decided by how they see themselves, and no one else can determine how worthy they are. Once you realize how priceless your talents are, the world can never get a chance to undermine you or demean you.

Remember that you’re made up of extremely strong elements, and just a few adjectives do not suffice to describe you. The minute you begin to value yourself, you automatically discard the ones who take you for granted. One should always ensure to protect their aura and never diminish their personality for anyone.

“Don’t worry about bad things that haven’t happened yet. It will save you a lot of anxiety.”

Adriana Trigiani (The Shoemaker’s Wife)
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More often than not, our mental health and peace get affected by the things we constantly keep stressing about. While some of the worries may be justified, there is no point fretting over something that hasn’t yet occurred.

The thing to remember here is that if you worry about possible future occurrences, then you’re letting yourself get stressed twice over the same thing, and that level of anxiety is not something you deserve.

“Relief is a wonderful emotion, highly underrated. In fact, I prefer it to elation or joy. Relief lets the air out of the Tire of Pain.”

Adriana Trigiani (Rococo)
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When you think about it, there are certain emotions that we value more than others, and if there’s one emotion that you can’t put a price tag on, it has to be that of relief. Joy, excitement, and vivacity are valuable too, but the peace brought about by relief is truly unmatched.

Once you have been worrying about things for a long time, the only emotion that can help you calm down and breathe better is the feeling of relief.

“The good things that happen to us were meant to happen, and the bad things that happen are lessons meant to teach us to be better.”

Adriana Trigiani (Lucia, Lucia)
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The one mantra that can truly enable you to be a happier person is to accept that everything happens for a reason. It’s normal for human beings to get upset over things that don’t plan out how we expect them to.

Nature and destiny, however, have plans of their own, and ultimately every person gets what they truly deserve and desire. Therefore, the wise thing to do is to be grateful for the good occurrences and to accept the bad memories as necessary lessons.

“Sometimes we get our hearts broken, only to have the right person come along to mend them.”

Adriana Trigiani (The Shoemaker’s Wife)
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As far as love is concerned, timing is everything. You could be deeply in love with someone, but the timing could be wrong, which is perhaps why many relationships do not work out. However, if a person is written in your destiny, they will land up in your life someday or the other.

The moment you feel like you’re ready to give up on love, the right person will come knocking at your doorstep and sweep you off your feet. They will fill your heart with hope, and you will realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

“It’s the secret to happiness, you know. Only take what you need.”

Adriana Trigiani (The Shoemaker’s Wife)
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Greed can often be a person’s downfall. The more you get, the more you desire. However, having it all doesn’t always mean happiness. In fact, once you realize just how much you need to be happy, that’s when you receive true peace and contentment.

Just work towards your goals, and when success follows you, be grateful for everything you’ve achieved instead of falling into the greed trap.

“Two different things. Work is survival, and love sustains you. You have work anytime. But love? Not always.”

Adriana Trigiani (Brava, Valentine)
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Human beings should understand that while work is definitely vital, it isn’t everything, and it surely isn’t the end of the world. Work can feed you and sustain you physically in terms of money, but it’s love that sustains you emotionally and mentally.

If you don’t have a healthy personal life, then your professional life can’t truly flourish. When you’re surrounded by love and warmth, that’s when you succeed at work as well.

“No one worries about you like your mother, and when she is gone, the world seems unsafe, things that happen unwieldy. You cannot turn to her anymore, and it changes your life forever. There is no one on earth who knew you from the day you were born; who knew why you cried, or when you’d had enough food; who knew exactly what to say when you were hurting; and who encouraged you to grow a good heart. When that layer goes, whatever is left of your childhood goes with her.”

Adriana Trigiani (Big Stone Gap)
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We can’t imagine our lives without our mothers, right? Your mother is your home, your childhood, and your safe space. She is the only person who will love you without wanting anything in return.

When your mother is no longer in your universe, you will realize that no one else can ever take her place. She is the one who witnesses all your successes and failures, highs and lows, struggles and accomplishments, and loves you regardless.

Once she’s gone, a piece of your life goes away along with her.


Words are the most powerful tools in a writer’s literary arsenal. The way they utilize those tools makes all the difference, and Trigiani sure knows how to mold them in a manner such that the worlds she creates fascinate readers of all age groups across the world.

Over the years, she has perfected her craft to the extent that her fans can just take a look at a quote to know that it’s something written by her. Whether she’s peppering her novels with funny family banter or romantic declarations of love, her words are indeed ones that stick with you.

Go through the beautiful quotes above to feel nostalgia, take a walk down memory lane, or just feel seen and acknowledged.

Neha Jhunjhunwala

This is Neha Jhunjhunwala, one of the writers for this book review website. Her interest in this field is driven by her exposure to a plethora of books from a very early age. By sharing her observations and insights on different books with others on this website, she hopes to motivate and inspire people to read more and more books and help them better their knowledge of different genres and enrich their lives.