Lisa Gardner

Lisa Gardner: Biography, Books, Facts, and Quotes

Born: 1972

Website: lisagardner.

Genre: Romantic suspense novels, thrillers

Influences: Dodie Smith, Edna Ferber, Lee Smith

Lisa Gardner is an American author who is known for writing thrillers and books that involve romance as well as suspense. Regarded as one of the most revered female authors in the genre of thrillers, she has crafted a plethora of novels to date that have been published in over 30 countries.

Her career started in the early 1990s. During this period, she was mainly crafting romantic suspense novels. She initially wrote under the pseudonym ‘Alicia Scott’ before she started publishing her novels using her original name.

The writer currently lives in New Hampshire. Her furry little dogs are her buddies with whom she loves to spend time. When she is not busy writing, one can usually find her spending time doing gardening, hiking, and playing cribbage.

If you wish to know a little more about the writer and the kind of approach she has towards her craft, those are exactly the kind of details we will be getting into in this article.

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Live to Tell

Live to Tell



Catch Me

Catch Me

Love You More

Love You More

Fear Nothing

Fear Nothing


Detective D.D. Warren Series

Detective D.D. Warren Series

FBI Profiler Series

FBI Profiler Series

Tessa Leoni Series

Tessa Leoni Series


“In crime fiction, the bad guys almost always look normal. It’s the people who look different who are usually the innocent ones.”

“Sometimes, the truth is scarier than any fiction we can create.”

“The darkest secrets are often hidden behind the most ordinary facades.”

“Justice is not always about the law; it’s about doing what’s right.”

“In the world of crime, nothing is ever what it seems.”

“The past has a way of catching up with you, no matter how hard you try to outrun it.”

“Strength is not measured by the absence of fear but by the courage to face it head-on.”

“Family is not always blood. It’s the people who love and support you when you need them most.”

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Popular movie adaptions from the works of Lisa Gardner.

The Survivors Club

The Survivors Club

Instinct to Kill

Instinct to Kill

List of Movies and TV Adaptations of Lisa Gardner Books

Popular audiobook adaptions from the works of Lisa Gardner.

Live to Tell Audiobook

Live to Tell

Hide Audiobook


Catch Me Audiobook

Catch Me

Neha Jhunjhunwala

This is Neha Jhunjhunwala, one of the writers for this book review website. Her interest in this field is driven by her exposure to a plethora of books from a very early age. By sharing her observations and insights on different books with others on this website, she hopes to motivate and inspire people to read more and more books and help them better their knowledge of different genres and enrich their lives.